terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2005

Sobre a tal homilia...

Este "post" pode ofender alguns amigos meus. Espero sinceramente que isso não suceda...mas ao ouvir, nesta campanha eleitoral, tantas declarações e insinuações sobre um assunto ainda interdito em Portugal, apetece-me dizer com Thich Nhat Hahn, o monge vietnamita proposto por Martin Luther King para Prémio Nobel da Paz, o seguinte:
"Sometimes those discriminating against us act in the name of God, of the truth. We may belong to the third world, or we may belong to a particular race, we may be people of color, we may be gay or lesbian, and we have been discriminated against for thousands of years. So how to work on it, how to liberate ourselves from the suffering of being a victim of discrimination and oppression? In Christianity it is said that God created everything, including man, and there is a distinction made between the creator and the creature. The creature is something created by God. When I look at a rose, a tulip, or a chrysanthemum, I know, I see, I think, that this flower is a creation of God. Because I have been practicing as a Buddhist, I know that between the creator and the created there must be some kind of link, otherwise creation would not be possible. So the chrysanthemum can say that God is a flower, and I agree, because there must be the element "flower" in God so that the flower could become a reality. So the flower has the right to say that God is a flower.
The white person has the right to say that God is white, and the black person also has the right to say that God is black. In fact, if you go to Africa, you’ll see that the Virgin Mary is black. If you don’t make the statue of the Virgin Mary black, it does not inspire people. Because to us the black people, "black is beautiful," so a black person has the right to say that God is black, and in fact I also believe that God is black, but God is not only black, God is also white, God is also a flower. So when a lesbian thinks of her relationship with God, if she practices deeply, she can find out that God is also a lesbian. Otherwise how could you be there? God is a lesbian, that is what I think, and God is gay also. God is no less. God is a lesbian, but also a gay, a black a white, a chrysanthemum. It is because you don’t understand that, that you discriminate.
When you discriminate against the black or the white, or the flower, or the lesbian, you discriminate against God, which is the basic goodness in you."
Thich Nhat Hahn, "Questions and Answers" (20 de Julho de 1998), Plum Village

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Deus não existe.
O máximo que existe são pessoas e as suas ideias.
A ideia de Deus é uma idiotice. Nós somos idiotas.
Temos medo da morte. Temos medo de morrer.
Só não está presente quando nos esquecemos dela.
As igrejas já deram o que tinham a dar.
Não precisamos delas para nada - temos os cinemas e os concertos e os comícios.
Nem mesmo para entregar roupas precisamos da Igreja,
pois para isso há os Estados.
Quando estes desaparecerem, sobra a boa vontade, ou seja lá o que isso for.
A Igreja não serve para nada, nem mesmo para combater as injustiças, apenas para chorá-las - que miséria!
Mesmo que Deus existisse ou exista ou seja lá o que for, as igrejas não lhe servem para nada, nada.
Ao invés, as igrejas servem para esconder muita coisa, muita culpa, segredos, pessoas fechadas em bolhas (dos outros e de si).

A verdade não é ofensiva.